An apartment. Bucharest. 2017. A woman finds her cat decapitated. The door is not forced. The windows are not broken. The woman is convinced that her ex-boyfriend is responsible. She talks to the 112 emergency phone operator. The police come to her apartment. 

No one believes her. 

In Romania hundreds of women per year are killed by their current or ex-partners. 112 investigates why.


A BÉZNĂ Theatre and Asociația ADO co-production in special partnership with MACAZ - Bar Teatru Coop.

In partnership with:  Asociația FRONT, Masteratul de Politici, Gen și Minorități din cadrul Școlii Naționale de Studii Politice și Administrative din București, Masteratul Politicile egalității de șanse în context românesc și european din cadrul Universității București and Colegiul Național Bilingv "George Cosbuc".


Director: Nico Vaccari

Text and Dramaturgy: Nico Vaccari and Sînziana Cojocărescu

Set and Lighting Design: Hermina Stănciulescu

Cast: Alex Călin, Katia Pascariu, Alexandru Potocean, Oana Pușcatu

Text developed in rehearsals with: Alex Călin, Tudorina Mihai, Katia Pascariu, Alexandru Potocean, Oana Pușcatu

Gender violence consultant and workshop coordinator: Tudorina Mihai

Translation from English to Romanian: Cătălin Bucioveanu

Photography by: Nicu Lazur

Thank you Bianca Mann, Ioana Marchidan, Teodora Velescu, Mihai Covalciuc, Linotip, Carmen Gheorghe and E-Romnja.



As part of the project we invited Tudorina Mihai from Asociația FRONT to hold two Gender violence prevention workshops in educational settings and to coordinate the publishing of the free interventionist brochure Violența împotriva femeilor, violența de gen (Violence against women, gendered violence). 

Violența împotriva femeilor, violența de gen is written by Tudorina Mihai with contributions by Nico Vaccari and Sînziana Cojocărescu. Graphic design by Alecsandra Cândea and published by Hecate

This project is co-financed by Administrația Fondului Cultural Național (AFCN).

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